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Reviews of Home Sweet Home, Roke

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Review by penny wesson on 3rd June, 2010

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I have been here before, several times within the last couple of years, and it was absolutely amazing so I was looking forward to returning especially for this Fish Evening...but last night was really dreadful. The food was simply appalling, so spicy it ruined the flavour of the supposed specialist fish dishes which we had been so looking forward to eating; the whole reason for us coming last night. My starter of scallops was inedible and so heavily spiced it made me cough and I could was quite disgusting actually. My friend's prawns were hopelessly overcooked and the breadcrumb surround was solid and there were virtually no prawns left inside because they had been cooked for so long and had disintegrated. The main course of what should have been beautiful barramundi was completely ruined by over-seasoning which was totally unnecessary with this fish. It was caked in a red powder and you could not taste the fish at all. The dessert was a farce. It looked like it had come straight from a packet,and was just dumped on a somewhat grubby plain white plate and looked like a slab of chocolate cake with no accompaniments of any kind to cheer it up. No cream, we had to ask for some, no coulis to moisten it a bit. Nothing. No decoration of any kind to cheer it up a bit. It tasted like chocolate concrete and was no more freshly made than I am! I felt so sorry for my friend who had brought me to the restaurant specifically for this seafood evening. The staff were appalling as well...probably not their faults but neither the boy who served us nor the girl waitress had a clue. They did not know what we were eating. The waitress took away our starters asking if we wanted dessert before we had even had the main course! I did say the meal was not good and there was not much interest, just that it was presented how it should be and that was that really. No suggestion of getting the manager or even the chef to talk to us. No effort to rectify anything, just 'oh well there you go' attitude. We did not pay for my starter but the main and the sweet were just as disappointing which we really did not expect! We will not come to Home Sweet Home again and my friend who was bringing a party to the next Fish Evening will not be coming now. He paid over £50 for this meal and it was not worth a penny of it...a great, great shame and if this restaurant continues like this I cannot see it lasting very long. Penny Wesson Mongewell WALLINGFORD

Date visited: 02 June 2010

Review by David on 4th January, 2008

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Nice pub. Well-kept Wadworths bitter. Good food, well-cooked. New landlord very helpful and is clearly working hard to try and build up business after pub had been through a rough patch. As for 'unatmospheric' (see previous review), if things are quiet just ask to eat in the bar - blazing log fire and it's a lovely room. Full marks to a pub that performs well in the post-christmas/new year period, when so many places have tired staff and limited menus.

Date visited: 2/1/08

Review by susie on 9th November, 2007

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Have just visited The Home Sweet Home for the very last time! We have just endured a mediocre meal in the most unatmospheric surroundings ever. Food was bland and unimaginative, whilst still being over priced! Landlord was rude and quite repellent. Shame, as this used to be a good and reliable place to visit.

Date visited: nov 07

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